Cristy Jade Lydia: My Blog had a make over!


My Blog had a make over!

11 Aug 2014

Hello everyone, this is just a super quick post to thanks for Be, from Love From Be, for choosing me as the winner of the blog makeover competition. If you want to know more about the competition head on over to her blog, its amazing and you should all go and follow her as her posts are great, and she is a great blog designer. Thanks again to Be for making my blog look lovely, I would never have been able to make it look as good as she did! I love it!!

Here is my blog before!

My blog after the make over, colour scheme and design elements.


  1. Wow It looks amazing! What a great competition to win!

  2. It looks amazing, Be is so talented x


    1. thankyou so much, i defo agree she is very talented xx

  3. Aw Cristy. I loved doing your blog. I absolutely fell in love with it and you totally deserved it. I'm glad you like it <3

    xx, Be || lovefrombe

  4. I love the colors! It looks so nice. I nominated you for the Liebster Award which you can check out here: http://antiquedemily.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-liebster-award.html Let me know if you decide to answer the questions!

  5. your blog looks amazing the layout and colours are so pretty.

    I have nominated you for the Leibster award over at my blog

    the link http://loveonceuponadream.blogspot.ie/2014/08/liebster-award.html will bring you to the questions


  6. It looks gorgeous :D I bet you love it xx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

    1. Thankyou so much, yeah I absolutely love it xx

  7. I love your new layout! The baby pink and blue combination is lovely :)

    I'll definitely be coming back to check out more of your future posts!

    - Grace's Beauty Space xx

  8. it looks amazing!) very beautiful design!)

    would you like to follow each other via GFC or bloglovin?
    If yes, just follow me and I will follow you back)

  9. omg i love the colors it is stunning!!!!!! new follower here for you hon x

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