Cristy Jade Lydia: Autumn Beauty Favourites


Autumn Beauty Favourites

29 Oct 2014

Hello everyone, I'm very sorry I haven't posted in a very long time, I have been very busy with school work! But I will start blogging as much as I can. I can't believe the last time I blogged was the holiday season, so I thought I would write an autumnal post today! I absolutely love the autumn and winter season and love many different products too.
1- I have recently been loving red lipstick with a winged liner look on the eyes, and the three lipsticks I think would be great for the autumn season are mac's lady bug, Mua's hade 1 and also Barry M jelly high shine lip pencil.( I'm not too sure on the shade as it doesn't say on the packaging) and they all are different shades of red and also different finishes.
2-For eyes I love a Smokey eye and a great base is the Rimmel scandal eyes in 011 bluffing, which is a bronzing taupe shade and is great for my skin tone as its not too warm, I feel like cool colours on my eyes suit my skin tone a lot more than warm shades. I also love this trio from Seventeen, all three colours are great for autumn and work well together.
3-Finally, In autumn you cant go without red nails! I always seem to be looking at the Essie stand when it comes to these kind of nail shades but  feel Barry M do a great range of nail colours and these two colours are great for this time of year and they are great budget buys!
I hope you enjoyed this post, comment down below your autumn favourites! have a nice day!



  1. Some lovely picks, i love seventeen products x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. same, I never tend to look at the seventeen products but I really should as they are great xx

  2. Never tried a Barry M nailpolish but they look awesome! My school doesn't allow nailpolish so I don't really stock up on them :c

    Sorry to bother you but please do check out my blog and if you like it hopefully you will follow back :3

    Nonetheless, you're awesome

  3. Love the look of the more purpley coloured nail polish, what shade is it?


  4. Everything looks so gorgeous!

    xx, Be || lovefrombe

  5. Liking the shades and colors in this post, especially the nail polishes - really pretty :)

  6. I have been loving winged liner and red lips at the moment too! I just think it looks amazing!


  7. I love seventeen eyeshadows they are the bomb dot comb! I recently found the secret to winged liner and it's been on me everyday and I have also been adoring purple lipsticks! I don't know why but they just suit me!! WONDERFUL BLOG POST!! Your blog is soooo gorgeous!


  8. Love berry lips and red-ish lips during autumn/winter, that seventeen eye shadow looks amazing!

    Elma x || PetalGrrl

  9. I love the red lipstick and winged eyeliner combo, it's like my everyday makeup look!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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