Cristy Jade Lydia: My Boxing Day Face


My Boxing Day Face

26 Dec 2014

Merry christmas everyone, I hope you all had an amazing day(an also for those who don't celebrate it, I hope you had a great day too)! I received some amazing gifts and I thought I would include them in this post. So this morning I used some of my new make up that I received and its fair to say, they are sooo good.
Here's what I wore
Garnier moisture match-dull skin
body shop all in one bb cream-00
baby skin
supercat eyeliner
collection lasting perfection concealer-fair 1
rockateur lipgloss
benefit high beam
UD-primer potion
benefit-they're real
What did you all receive for Christmas? (have a great boxing day and festive season)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the benefit high beam one of my fave benefit products :)


  3. I love the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer! xx


  4. you used some lovely products! i really want that body shop bb cream! xx

    Ami | perksofbeingami

  5. It is really good, I defo recommend it xx

  6. Lovely make up choices!

    http://theperksofmeg.blogspot.co.uk/ x

  7. I'm so eager to try out the S&G eyeliner and the Body shop BB cream, they look like really good products. You used such nice products for this look ♥ xoxo

    Would you mind checking out my blog?
    Dalal xoxo | monochromedaisies.blogspot.com


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