Cristy Jade Lydia: Beauty Haul


Beauty Haul

17 Feb 2015

Hello everyone!! I cant believe this is only my second post of 2015, due to mocks and school work its been really hard to try and find the time to blog, but I'm currently in half term and had a little spare time so I thought I would share with you some of the beauty bits I have brought recently. I would also like to thank all of you for following my blog, and I would like to thank you all for 200 followers, this was a great achievement for me and im hoping to start blogging more often. So from boots I thought I would try the Botanics cleansing facial wash as it was only £1.99 and I've really been enjoying using it to remove my face make up. I also brought the L'Oreal Lumi magique foundation as they were having a really great offer on where you could buy 2 items for £12, and for L'Oreal that's pretty good. I also brought another of the Maybelline gel nail polishes as I loved the colour. This one is in the shade divine wine. I also brought the simple eye cream as I have never tried an eye cream before and I have terrible dark circles so I thought it may help. I also decided to get the new Maybelline lash sensational mascara as I loved the look of the wand and it was £6 instead of £8.
I decided to pick up a few things from Tanya Burr's beauty range as my local Superdrug has finally stocked it. So I brought the everyday flutter lashes and 'picnic in the park' lip gloss (which I love and is my new favourite). I also brought the real techniques blending sponge and this simple moisturiser.
Finally I just brought a couple of things from lush as I only had one thing left from my Christmas collection and was in need of some more bath things. So I decided to get the floating flower and the unicorn horn which are both so pretty.


  1. You picked up some lovely bits! those Tanya burr lip-glosses are on the top of my wish list x

    1. They are sooo lovely, I defiantly recommend them xx

  2. I have been using the RT Sponge, its amazing! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. I agree, I used it for the first time this morning and love it already xx

  3. wow that's so lovely of you thankyou so much xx

  4. god you got so many amazing things <3 love lush products so much!!

  5. Absolutely love your blog! So much inspiration from this post :) xx


  6. Eeek you picked up some lovely bits and your photography is amazing! x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  7. I see some of my favourites!! I love that L'Oreal Paris foundation and that real techniques sponge!



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