Cristy Jade Lydia: Summer Make Up Essentials


Summer Make Up Essentials

10 Aug 2016

Hello everyone, today's post is all about my everyday summer make up essentials and what make up I use when the weather starts to get a little warmer. I try to avoid using liquid foundation when the sun is out as I hate the feeling of a 'sweaty face'. I also struggle to tan my face so its always very pale compared to my neck and chest so I try to put as little on my face as possible. 

The time balm concealer is great for covering spots but sometimes I use it to cover my under eye circles as its one of my darker concealers. Before applying it to my face i add one drop of the body shop tea tree oil into the pot concealer to loosen the consistency and make it easier to apply. I then powder with the soap and glory kick ass powder as it is light and doesn't make the concealed areas appear orange. I bronze using the rimmel natural bronzer to give a sunkissed look and apply this all over my face, concentrating on my tzone, temples and cheeks. I use the benefit high beam on the high points of my face. I use benefit's gimme brow and brush that through my brows and then apply 2 coats of maybelline lash sensational mascara to my top lashes. I then finish by applying nyx butter gloss to my lips. 

Products mentioned 
The Balm -time balm concealer*
the body shop tea tree oil
soap and glory kick ass powder 
rimmel natural bronzer-02
Benefit gimme brow-01
Maybeline lash sensational waterproof mascara
benefit high beam 
nyx butter gloss- creme brulee. 


  1. I have that NYX lip gloss and it is the perfect shade for Summer! Great post:)

    Emily xo

  2. Amazing selection! My favorite one is the high beam highlighter - such an amazing product :)

    What about following each other? :)

    Caro x


    1. i love high beam its so subtle but when the light shines on it it looks so pretty xx

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love Gimme Brow, it's my favourite xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

  4. Your blog is fantastic😍


  5. So many favourites here, absolutely love Gimme Brow & the NYX Butter Glosses, definitely essentials for me too :)

    The Makeup Directory

    1. its great for when i cant be bothered to fill my brows in with a pencil hehe xx


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