Cristy Jade Lydia: Garnier Micellar cleasing wash


Garnier Micellar cleasing wash

3 Jan 2017

Hello everyone, Happy new year! Can't believe this is my first post of 2017, I hope you all had a great Christmas and new year! So the other day I went into town and saw in the local boots they were selling the Garnier micellar face wash. I wrote a review all about the micellar water and to date I think its been the most popular post on my blog. So I thought I would share with you my views about the new face wash.  As you may or may not know, I loveee the micellar water and Im pretty sure I have gotten through about 7 of the large bottles since I brought my first one back in 2013 I think it was? I've been using the wash for about 3 days now and already feel like I can write my thoughts about it. Its great at getting your face make up off if you are after a deeper cleanse than using just the water. However, I feel like you still need to use a eye make up remover as well as the was for your eyes. When I first tried it I thought that it would make me spotty or make my skin quite dry as it did sting my eyes a little. However, I have found that its made my skin so soft whenever I use it and has not broken me out at all! I would defiantly recommend this facial wash as its great at removing facial mak up and making your skin super soft and clean.

 Thankyou for reading! Happy New Year xx


  1. I definitley need to give this a try. I love their micellar cleansing water already and this sounds like what I need for my dehydrated skin. I love products that leave the skin feeling soft after washing!

    Thanks for posting, Have a lovely day ♥

    Ying | * Y i n g c b e a u t y *

    X x X x X

    1. i think you would love it, deffo give it a go! and you xxx

  2. Ooh I want to try this!


  3. its great you deffo should xxx

  4. I bought this but I'm yet to try it! It sounds amazing xx

    1. its so great, i thought it would give me spots but it hasnt which is sooo good xx

  5. Ooooh thats something different for sure. I might have to try that out!
    Mandeville Sisters

  6. I really need to try this.
    Great post!

    Vanessa x | www.springlilies.com

  7. oh i want this so baaaaad. i love garnier micellar waters as it is and this cleanser sounds so good.



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