
My 20th Birthday ♡

29 Oct 2017

Hello everyone! Today I thought i would share with you a few snaps from what I got up to for my 20th Birthday!! I hope you enjoy!

So on my birthday I did have to go to uni so I didnt do an awful lot in the day, but then went for an amaze meal with my family to a local Italian restaurant! I then went to London on the wednesday after my birthday with Sam and we went to Oxford street, Peggy Porschen Cakes, Covent Garden etc and had an amazing day!!! 

I then went on a night out with my sisters, Sam and my friends and I also made my own unicorn birthday cake yay!! 

I had such an amazing birthday and thankyou to all my family and friends for the most special day and to anyone who wished me a happy birthday!! ♡

Thankyou for reading xxxxx


  1. Wow looks like you had such a special birthday Cristy. The Peggy Porschen café looks amazing. So impressed with your unicorn birthday cake too! :-) xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. it was so so so lovely!! it was so amazing you should deffo take a visit!! omg thankyou so so much xxxx

  2. your photos are gorgeous! xxx

  3. Looks like you had such a good couple of days! Lovely photos.
    Amber x


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