Cristy Jade Lydia: Christmas Gift Guide for Him | Blogmas #5


Christmas Gift Guide for Him | Blogmas #5

5 Dec 2017

Hello everyone, Today's post is something a little different, Im going to be sharing with you some gift ideas for Him, maybe Dad, Grandad, brothers, cousins and friends. 

Personally I really struggle to know what to buy for my dad so I thought I would share with you some gift ideas to help you guys out if you are struggling too! 

Here are the links i have found for these gifts

I really hope you enjoyed this different style video, and I hope it helped you in some way! Have a lovely December!! xxx 


  1. i find it so hard to buy for guys which is why i booked me and my boyfriend a city break away.


    1. yess me to its so difficult!! aww that sounds amazing xxx


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