Cristy Jade Lydia: My thoughts on the St Moriz Tan Boosting Face Serum


My thoughts on the St Moriz Tan Boosting Face Serum

8 Feb 2018

Hello everyone, today I thought I would share with you my thoughts on the St Moriz Tan Boosting Facial Serum. So last week I took a trip into Boots and was having a mooch around the tanning section as I was having a search for the St Moriz tan remover! However, I couldn't find that but I did find this tanning boost serum. 

I am always a little sceptical about buying tanning products for my face as I am ever sure how they are going to react with my skin. I would say I have normal to dry skin, with oiliness around the creases of my nose and chin. If you have been following my blog/ Insta/ youtube, you may know that I absolutely love the Garnier No streaks face bronzer mist, I find it works so well on my skin and gives the most amazing glow, so I feel like its going to be hard to find a product that would top this one. This oil/serum costs £9.99, which isn't too expensive for a face tanning product.

The consistency on the serum is like a thin oil but is not greasy at all. This product is meant for mixing in with moisterisers and states on the back of the bottle that it shouldn't be applied straight to the face. I learnt this the hard way as when I applied a couple of drops to my moisteriser the first time using it, a little of the serum ran down my finger, and in the morning I woke up with a very distinct tan mark and is still slightly on my finger now after lots of scrubbing to get it off. So this goes to show that the tanning aspect of the oil does work really well. When I applied the serum to my moisteriser I found it quite hard to mix it in on my hands, so I found that mixing it on a hard surface works better. It didn't really change the consistency of my moisteriser, which is good because it didn't make it too watery. It also sank into my skin really easily and did not leave it feeling greasy at all.

After applying this in the evening, I woke up and notices that it hadn't had a huge effect on the colour of my skin, so I felt maybe it was a something I needed to use for a few days before I saw it starting to work. After using it a couple more times I did start to notice how my skin began to look a lot more glowy and awake. Now without tan, my face is extremely pale, I always like a more bronzed tanned look on my face because I  feel it makes me look so much more healthy and glowy. So it definitely did work as I did not look as pale as usual.

What I would say is that it was a little streaky and didn't blend too well. I think this was probably down to my blending skills when it comes to moisteriser, or maybe I did not mix it int my moisteriser properly. Another thing I would say, is to be careful of your hairline, this doesn't just happen with this product, but with every tanning product it usually always gets caught in my baby hairline, which is quite annoying. However, all in all I feel like this product is great for making your skin look that little more healthier and bronzed and a great thing to add to your skincare routine. 

Here is a link to the product


I hope you enjoyed this review and I hope it helped if you were considering purchasing this! xx


  1. Really like the sound of this product and St Moriz is one of my fave tan brands so will have to give it a try!

    Lotte | www.lottebeautybox.blogspot.co.uk

    1. st moriz is so great isnt it and so affordable xx

  2. I haven't heard of this before but I have tried other St Moriz products and always thought really highly of them!

    Danielle xx

    1. i think it may be new, i had never seen it in store until a week ago xx

  3. This sounds like a great product when you want a subtle glow! Will definitely check it out! :)

    Layla xx


  4. Ahhh I am not hugely into fake tanning but this sounds like something you can easiliy add to your skincare :) Might give this a go ;)

    xx Lisa | lisaautumn.com

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yeah it is great because it is quite subtle xx

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