Cristy Jade Lydia: Easter/ Mother's Day Sugar Cookie Recipe


Easter/ Mother's Day Sugar Cookie Recipe

7 Mar 2018

Hello everyone, today I thought I would share with you how I made these really cute sugar cookies which would make great gifts for Easter or even Mother's Day! This is a great gift if your on a budget as most of the ingredients you will find you probably already in your kitchen cupboard. I really hope you enjoy this post and if you make these please do tag me in a pic, I would love to see them! I used the BBC Food recipe and found this one worked really well!


100g/3½oz unsalted butter, softened at room temperature

  • 100g/3½oz caster sugar

  • 1 medium free-range egg, lightly beaten

  • 275g/10oz Plain flour


1- Preheat the oven to Gas mark 5/190c/ 170c fan. Mix the butter and sugar together until, the butter is light, fluffy and lighter in colour.

2-  Add the egg into the mixture and beat until there is no egg visible in the mixture.

3- Now add the flour and mix until all of the flour is combined into the mixture! If the mixture is a little wet, add a little more flour, and if it is a little dry add a little water.

4-  Once the mixture is ready, place it onto a floured plate and wrap over some cling film. I placed mine into the freezer for around 10-15 minutes just to harden the mixture a little and make sure it doesn't spread in the oven when baking!

5- Now bring the dough out of the freezer and sprinkle a little flour onto the surface and onto the rolling pin. And then roll out the dough so it is about 0.5cm thick.

6- Using some cute cookie cutters, cut out the cookies and place onto a baking tray that has been lined with baking/ parchment paper!

7- Bake the cookies for around 10 minutes, if they look like they aren't ready, you will find when they are taken out the oven, they will harden and be fine.

 For the Icing:

1- Take 3 bowls and pour around 3 tablespoons (each) of icing sugar into them, and half a teaspoon of water in each. Or until the icing is quite stiff and doesn't run off the spoon.

2- Take a cocktail stick and pop it into the pink, blue and yellow food colouring and colour each bowl of icing.

3- Give it a mix and then place it into a piping bag with a small circular nozzle.

4- Take the piping bag and draw a line around the outside of the cookie, then place a couple of silver decoration balls onto the icing.

5- Or, you could also add a little more water to the icing and use the flooding technique, which means you just need to pour the icing into the well that you have made with the thicker outline of icing. 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this post! xx


  1. OMG this looks so yummy! SUch a fab idea


    Ellie xx

  2. These look so delicious, I might have to do some baking for mothers day after seeing this!

    Danielle xx

  3. Looks delicious! I love the icing color! Very festive.

    Emily Kay || http://emilykay.co/

  4. These cookies are sooooo cute! I've only ever baked Tanya Burr's chocolate cookies and gingerbread men, but I would love to give these a try! :)


  5. That seems such a easy recipe to follow plus the cookies look soo cute.


    1. it honestly was so so easy!! thankyou so much xx

  6. Aww these are so cute! The chick is my favourite. I'm definitely going to give these a go around easter time xx

    Lauren | itslaurenvictoria.blogspot.co.uk

  7. These look so yummy! I would maybe put some lemon into the icing too! Lovely post xx

    Jasmine | https://jasminelaurenfancy.blogspot.co.uk

  8. Oh my gosh these look incredible Cristy! I so want to try them xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️


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