Cristy Jade Lydia: The Best Trio for Dry, Limp Hair


The Best Trio for Dry, Limp Hair

21 Mar 2018

Hello everyone, Today I really wanted to share with you one of the best Shampoo and conditioners I have ever used! Just last week, myself and my Mum went into our local Boots in search for some new shampoo and conditioner as I had run out. We saw that the new L'oreal Dream lengths range was on offer. I had seen so many Bloggers and YouTubers receiving the PR package and I loved how it looked, so I thought I would give it a try. It is currently on 3 for 2 in Boots so if you are wanting to get your hands on it, take a trip to your local Boots! 

I began by using the shampoo, I usually wash my hair twice so use a little pump of shampoo each time. As soon as I squeezed some out of the bottle the smell was just amazing. I actually can't describe the smell very well but it is fruity and smells incredible. I then used the conditioner on the ends of my hair as I find when I put conditioner on my roots, they tend to get a little greasy. The conditioner made my hair feel amazing, and I left it on for around 3-5 minutes whilst I was in the shower and then brushed through it with my Wet brush. 

Once getting out of the shower, I used a little but of hair oil to brush the nots out of my hair and then once I had brushed through I added a drop of the No haircut cream, which also smells incredible. It made me hair feel incredibly soft as well as using the hair oil too and made my hair feel so much healthier. 

I feel as though I can never get my hair to stay smelling nice for longer than 5 minuted, However, this one is just amazing!! I can honestly say it makes you hair smell so amazing and the scent actually lasts in your hair for longer than 24 hours, which is so good! If you need a hair pick me up, I would highly recommend this trio from L'oreal.

Thankyou so much for reading, see you next time! xx


  1. I really like Loreal hair care. I haven't seen these around here tho.

  2. Oh girl, you are my one of top inspiration! Such a great review and im gonna try them soon!

    Alexandra Udinov
    How to Get Perfect Eye Catching Colored-Eyeliner

    1. oh bless your heart thankyou so so much xx

  3. I am going to have to give this range a try for myself, I have such limp hair at the moment!

    Danielle xx

  4. It sounds very nice !

  5. its so so good! thankyou so much xx


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