Cristy Jade Lydia: Celebrating Sam's 21'st Birthday...


Celebrating Sam's 21'st Birthday...

24 Jan 2019

Hello everyone,

So the weekend just gone, we celebrated Sam's 21st birthday, and I thought I would share with you some of the photos I took and the food we ate, as there was so much food consumed this weekend. I think its safe to say, Sam had a lovely birthday weekend...

On Friday, myself and Sam got the train down to Nottingham. Now A lot of people always think I am from Nottingham, but it is in fact my last name, and I actually had an invite from a Pizza restaurant called Pizza Storm, asking if I wanted to go and try out their pizza with a plus one. I honestly could not believe they had invited me, its so crazy. So this was one of the reasons Sam chose to go to Nottingham, as he is incredibly supportive of the blog. But before we went for dinner, we of course had to stop of for some lunch, so we decided to go to the Red dog saloon for some burgers and nachos, and it was honestly amazing.

We then went and did a little shopping and I must say the shopping in Nottingham is amazing. We then got ready to head out for dinner at Pizza Storm. If you are interested in what the experience was like and if the food was any good, there will be a blogpost coming soon, all about Pizza Storm.

The next day we the went to breakfast, I had heard many good things about the Pudding Pantry, so we decided to eat there. They did some crazy shakes and amazing pancakes and the cake looked incredible, but me and Sam both went for the avocado on toast with roasted tomatoes. It was really yummy but I must say, I think it hasn't beaten the Bottle Of Sauce avo on toast. I had a chai latte, which was different but actually really yummy, and sam had the most amazing green smoothing, which reminded me of the papaya smoothie from Wholefoods which I used to love.

We then did a little more shopping and got the train home at around 12:15. Both Sam and I love exploring new places and I am glad we chose Nottingham, the food was great and the shopping was amazing.

In the evening, we then went for even more food at a local Italian restaurant, Gianni's, which I must say is probably one of the best places to eat in Cheltenham. I had chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce, with asparagus, vegetables and roasted potatoes. Sam had the steak which I have also tried before and its incredible. We then had some birthday cake and went home and chilled out ad watched a movie.

And then finally on Sunday, myself, Sam and his family went for a birthday breakfast at the Bottle of Sauce, which is another great place to eat. I had the avocado on toast, as you can see I clearly can't get enough of the avo on toast LOL. The food was amazing. We then had a little look around town and came home and celebrated Sam's birthday at is family friends home and ate even more great food. So all in all it was one foody weekend.

If you are reading this Sam, I hope you had the best 21s, and I hope everyone enjoyed this post and all the food pics,

See you next time...

Cristy N 

x x x 


  1. This is so nice, Happy birthday to Sam

  2. Can't go wrong with avocado toast. Belated happy birthday Sam!
    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    1. isnt it just so yummy!! bless you thankyouuux xx

  3. This all looks delicious, it seems like you had a lovely time!

    Danielle xx

    1. it was so yummy!! yes it was so lovely thankyou xx

  4. I love Nottingham, it's one of my favourite cities! Sounds like you had a lovely time xx

    Gemma Etc. ❤️

    1. it was really great, amazing shopping haha!! thanks hunny xx

  5. Whoaa happy birthday to Sam! :D

  6. Yum
    Where food is, here am I


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